

DKT occasionally conducts market research on consumer behavior and other topics related to contraception access and usage. The following list includes proprietary research and research from other sources about both contraceptive social marketing programs in general and DKT programs in particular.

White Papers

DKT’s Impact with MA in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Scale-Up of Medical Abortion Combipacks in the DRC”
In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), unsafe abortions are a real public health problem. Advocates for reproductive health rights continue for access to fair and safe abortion, while fighting against stigma and legal restrictions and expanding medical abortion services can help increase access to safe abortion services at lower levels of care, closer to where the majority of the population lives. DKT successfully trains providers in medical abortion usage and distributes medication throughout the country. Learn more by downloading our latest White Paper on our activities with MA in the DRC.

DKT in French West Africa – Shaping the Emergency Contraception Market (2024)[ENGLISH][FRENCH]
DKT is a leading force in the sexual and reproductive health market in Francophone West Africa, particularly with sales of Emergency Contraceptive pills, or ECs. Between 2018 and 2022 programming supported a 92% increase in unit sales of ECs and an 72% increase in total commodity value: far outstripping population growth in the region.

Women First Digital: An e-health platform providing reproductive health solutions 
In this “digital first” age, women and young people are increasingly turning to the internet as their primary source of information – including for guidance about reproductive health and abortion information. Learn more about Women First Digital and how our initiatives are advancing the SRH field.

Sustaining DKT Bees to ensure healthier communities in the DRC
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), DKT supports a group of Community Healthcare Workers (CHWs) known as “Bees” who are frontline soldiers in the battle to improve SRH outcomes. The sustainability of their efforts is crucial for long-term success and palpable social impact in the country.

Emergency Contraception White Paper by ECEC and DKT -August 2023
An analysis of emergency contraception pills (ECP) sales in low- and middle-income (LMICs) using data from the Contraceptive Social Marketing (CSM) Statistics report

safe2choose: an eHealth platform for abortion self-care
How safe2choose is offering digital counseling, referrals and information to increase abortion access

Women First Digital: An eHealth enterprise advancing self-care solutions
Leveraging the digital revolution to make SRH care more universally and equitably accessible.

Making Sustainable Markets Work for Low-Income People
DKT’s unique approach to sustainability prioritizes equity and lessens reliance on donors.

Shaping the Emergency Contraception Market in French West Africa
How DKT’s Postpill is changing the market for emergency contraception.

Women First Digital: An eHealth platform providing reproductive health solutions
Leveraging the digital revolution to directly reach women on handheld devices.

DKT WomanCare: A New Social Marketing Model
Integration with manufacturers yields public and private sector impact.

DKT and Safe Abortion
Providing global leadership towards increased access of safe abortion products, services, and technology.

Spotlight on DKT’s Program in Pakistan
DKT faces the challenge of providing family planning services in Pakistan.

Social Franchising
How social franchising helps DKT’s customers secure better access to high quality, affordable family planning.

Shaping Policy Climate to Increase Family Planning Use
How DKT interacts with governments to increase the use of family planning products.

Emergency Contraception in Ethiopia: Provider and User Attitudes and Behaviors
DKT studies why and how women seek EC, and why there are barriers to access.