Contraceptive implants offer a highly effective, long-term, and reversible method of pregnancy prevention. These small, flexible rods are inserted subdermally in the upper arm and continuously release hormones to inhibit ovulation. Implants are a convenient option, requiring minimal maintenance, and are well-suited for women seeking an extended, low-effort contraceptive solution.
Levoplant™ is a WHO Prequalifed contraceptive implant effective for up to 3 years. It is a cost-effective and high quality method of contraception.
Levoplant™ training manuals are designed to complement the Levoplant™ Training session and provide essential information on counseling for contraception, insertion, and removal of Levoplant™. This three-module package has been written with a view to training health care workers to provide Levoplant™ as part of a rights-based long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) service. It should be delivered by a healthcare professional who is trained and assessed as competent to insert and remove 2 rod implants.
Emergency Contraception
Emergency contraception Pills are Pills that can be used to prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse. Also known as “morning after Pills” or “postcoital contraception”. They work by preventing or delaying the release of the egg.
POSTPIL is a ONE-DOSE emergency contraceptive Pill that gives women a last chance to prevent pregnancy. Postpil offers women an affordable, simple and safe solution if taken within 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.
POSTPIL is containing 1 tablet of 1.5mg levonorgestrel
Postpil training slide deck is designed to facilitate Postpil training sessions and provide essential information on counseling for contraception and use of Postpil.
Intrauterine Devices
IUDs, available as hormonal or non-hormonal devices, provide a long-term and highly effective contraceptive option. Hormonal IUDs release a controlled amount of levonorgestrel, while non-hormonal IUDs, typically copper-based, present an alternative for individuals who require or prefer a hormone-free method.
Intrauterine devices contraception tools are designed to facilitate training sessions and provide essential information on counselling for Eloira, AVIBELA, Etherena and Silverline IUDs.