DKT works with health care providers such as doctors and midwives to facilitate the provision of clinic services in both the private and public sectors. We deliver high-quality clinical services by supporting franchise clinics, operating DKT-owned clinic facilities, and partnering with service delivery points to build provider capacity.
Clinic management: In India, DKT runs its own network of clinics, providing a wide range of services, including tubal ligation and vasectomy. In several countries, including Indonesia and Pakistan, DKT manages and oversees independent partner networks. To support these partner networks, DKT provides branded signage, a full range of family planning products, and advertising to increase the reach of the clinic.
Training: Tens of thousands of health providers have been trained by DKT’s subject matter experts on IUD and implant insertion and removal, family planning counseling techniques, use of new contraceptives, and, where appropriate, protocols for abortion.
Building capacity: We have developed a wide range of educational materials to help health care practitioners provide better quality services. DKT trains providers in and out of clinics, and provides orientation on the newest products through medical detailing during routine sales visits.