Fiesta Form Fit Ultra Thin Condom

Ultra Thin, Ultra Safe
Even with its Ultra Thin design, it still ensures your safety, helping you and your partner confidently enjoy passionate fun with your partner in the most “intimate” way. Made from 100% tight-fitting natural latex, these condoms protect against slipping, leakage and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. Dimensions are 51 ± 2 mm, ideal for a snug and secure fit. So that your fun is not only safe but also most “seamless” way.

Up to 40% thinner than regular condoms, it gives you skin-on-skin feel while keeping you safe and sexy. Every move feels more intense, every touch more real. It is comfort and sensation like never before – in and out.

Peak Pleasure
Form Fit – Ultra Thin condoms are designed to bring you intimately close. It lets you feel every spark, every moment. It will deliver pleasure with protection you can count on.

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